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What Are The Side Effects Of CBD?

By Zeb Dye  •  0 comments  •   6 minute read

What are the side effects of CBD?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, has become increasingly popular in recent years as a natural remedy for various health conditions. It is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant and is commonly used in oils, edibles, and topical products.

While many people praise cannabis-derived CBD for its potential benefits, there are concerns about its potential side effects. In this blog, we will explore the side effects of CBD and what you need to know before using it in your daily routine.

Before diving into CBD's negative side effects and positive side effects, let's briefly overview CBD and how it does what it does.


What Is CBD, And How Does It Work?

CBD may be a simple compound, but it has much to offer. This cannabinoid works incredibly well with the human body to provide amazing results. So, let's start by talking about how CBD interacts with our bodies.


How Does CBD Interact With Our Bodies?

CBD is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another compound found in cannabis, CBD does not produce psychoactive effects, which means it does not make a person feel "high."

CBD interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS), a complex network of receptors and neurotransmitters that help regulate various bodily functions, such as mood, appetite, sleep, and discomfort. When ingested or applied topically, CBD interacts with the ECS and can help regulate these bodily functions.

Specifically, CBD works by binding to and activating two primary cannabinoid receptors in the ECS: CB1 and CB2. CB1 receptors are primarily found in the brain and central nervous system, and CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune system and peripheral tissues.

Endocannabinoid system and CB1 and CB2 receptors

By binding to these receptors, CBD can help regulate the body's response to various stimuli and potentially provide therapeutic benefits. CBD also affects other receptors in the body, including serotonin and TRPV1 receptors, which regulate mood and discomfort perception, respectively.

This is why CBD is often used to assist with symptoms related to mood and discomfort. Overall, CBD interacts with the body in a complex way, and its effects can vary depending on dosage, method of consumption, and individual factors such as age, weight, and medical history.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD into your routine. Now, let's talk about some of the possible side effects of CBD.


Potential CBD Side Effects

While CBD is generally well-tolerated by most people, some common adverse effects can occur. These side effects are usually mild and temporary, but it's important to be aware before using CBD.

Here are some of the most common side effects of CBD:

  1. Dry mouth: CBD can reduce saliva production, leading to a feeling of dryness in the mouth.
  2. Drowsiness: CBD can have a relaxing effect on the body and may cause drowsiness or fatigue, especially when taken in higher doses.
  3. Low blood pressure: CBD can cause a temporary drop in blood pressure, which may result in lightheadedness or dizziness.
  4. Diarrhea: When taking CBD, some people may experience digestive issues, such as diarrhea.
  5. Changes in appetite: CBD may affect appetite and can cause an increase or decrease in appetite, depending on the individual.
  6. Mood changes: While CBD is often used to improve mood, it can also cause unpleasant mood-related issues in some people.

It's worth noting that the side effects are generally mild and go away on their own within a few hours. However, seeking medical attention is recommended if you experience severe or persistent side effects.

Additionally, if you're taking any medications, it's important to talk to your doctor before using CBD to avoid any potential interactions.


What Factors Can Impact The Side Effects of CBD?

Several factors can impact the side effects of CBD, and understanding these factors can help minimize the risk of adverse reactions. From dosage and method of consumption to individual factors such as age and medical history, there are many things to consider when using CBD. Let's discuss several factors that can impact the side effects of CBD.



The higher the dosage of CBD, the more likely you are to experience side effects. Starting with a low dose and gradually increasing it can help minimize side effects.

Studies have shown that the CBD side effects listed above usually occur around 1,500mg of CBD. This is good news because most people only take around 10 to 100mg of CBD daily. Unlike THC, it is very hard to reach the point where CBD would cause negative effects.


Type of CBD

There are three types of CBD oil to mention; they are full spectrum, broad spectrum, and isolate CBD. When it comes to feeling the side effects of CBD, you are more likely to experience them with Full-spectrum CBD rather than the other two.

That is because the THC content within the product generally causes full-spectrum CBD oil side effects. The side effects of THC include increased heart rate, dry mouth, bloodshot eyes, impaired memory and concentration, anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations.

Additionally, THC can cause sedation, decreased motor skills, and a distorted sense of time. The severity of these side effects can depend on various factors, such as the method of consumption, dosage, and individual factors such as age and medical history.

Person taking a dose of CBD

It takes as little as 15mg of THC to experience both the positive and negative effects of THC. Broad spectrum and isolate CBD oil are considered safer due to the lack of THC content.


Method of Consumption

The way you consume CBD can also affect its side effects. For example, if you smoke or vape CBD, you may experience respiratory irritation, while the topical application is less likely to cause side effects. The way to go is to take safe CBD products like sublingual drops, softgels, edibles, or topicals.


Individual Factors

Everyone's body is different, and individual factors such as age, weight, and medical history can influence how CBD affects you. For example, older adults or people who weigh less may be more sensitive to the effects of CBD due to age and weight and the changes in their metabolism.


Quality of CBD Product

The quality of the CBD product you use can also impact its side effects. High-quality CBD products are less likely to be contaminated with harmful substances that could cause adverse reactions.

That is why checking if the CBD product you plan on purchasing is organically grown and free from harmful fillers or additives is important. You can verify this information by checking if the company provides third-party lab testing reports. Stay clear of companies looking to hide this information or don't have those lab tests available.


Other Medications

If you're taking other medications, CBD can potentially interact with them and cause side effects. Talking to your doctor before using CBD if you're taking any medications is important.

It's essential to be aware of these factors when using CBD to help minimize the risk of side effects. Additionally, consulting with a healthcare professional before using CBD can help ensure you use it safely and effectively.


Sum It Up!

In this blog, we discussed the increasing popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) as a natural remedy for various health conditions. CBD is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant and interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system (ECS) to regulate various bodily functions.

While CBD is generally well-tolerated, some concerns should be considered before you start taking CBD. We discussed factors that can impact the side effects of CBD, including dosage, method of consumption, individual factors, and product quality.

We recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD's health benefits into one's daily routine and checking the quality of the CBD product before purchasing it.

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