Man taking Zatural CBD oil at sunset. What are terpenes in cbd oil?

What Are The Terpenes in CBD Oil?

You probably know about CBD oil and the health benefits it offers, but do you know about some unsung heroes called terpenes that may assist CBD oil's benefit you even further? Although the term terpene may sound strange, you have interacted with them throughout your life.

Remember that citrusy smell and taste of an orange or that unique aroma of a pine tree? Natural aromatic compounds (terpenes) are chemicals that give plants their distinctive smell and taste. If you have ever been close to the cannabis plant, you must have experienced its unique, pungent aroma.

Depending on the cannabis strain you interact with, there may be earthy notes, overtones of lemon, or a hint of pepper. The natural aromatic compounds determine this in a specific variety of cannabis hemp plants.

But there's more to natural aromatic compounds than giving off unique fragrances. This article will teach you all you need to know about terpenes and their role in CBD oil.


What Are Terpenes?

Terpenes in cannabis can be described as the aromatic oils that give cannabis varieties their distinctive flavors, e.g., berry, pine, mint, and citrus. Cannabis terpenes are made in the trichomes of the cannabis plant, which are the shiny, sticky, mushroom-shaped crystals covering the buds and leaves.

According to experts, the development of terpenes in cannabis began as an adaptive mechanism; to lure pollinators and repel predators. It's important to note that although they are often associated with plants like lavender and sage, natural aromatic compounds can be found in all plants.

We are surrounded by hundreds of natural aromatic compounds daily, and at least 200 have been discovered in the cannabis plant. Yet only three terpenes are noteworthy because the rest do not exist in high enough quantities to make any noticeable difference.

For this reason, some brands choose to add extra natural aromatic compounds to the ones in industrial hemp plant matter. They do this because research suggests that terpenes may provide various health benefits apart from protecting the hemp plant from predators and attracting pollinators.


Cannabis-derived Terpenes in CBD Oil

Why would manufacturers go to all the trouble of adding extra terpenes in CBD oil? Research suggests that the natural aromatic compounds in CBD oil may be beneficial due to how specific natural aromatic compounds interact with your body. Here are the three most common natural aromatic compounds you're likely to find in your CBD oil:

The three most common CBD Terpenes

1. Pinene

It's one of the most common terpenes in the cannabis plant and carries a distinct pine flavor. It's also found in rosemary, basil, dill, and pine trees. People have often reported feelings of focus and alertness after using cannabis strains rich in pinene. This natural aromatic compound is also thought to counteract the adverse effects of THC, such as paranoia.

Although this study suggests that pinene may be used as an antiviral agent at, we can only make this claim once the FDA approves using this terpene for such use. However, based on this study and others, pinene has shown great potential as a possible anti-inflammatory agent.


2. Linalool

Linalool is another natural aromatic compound you will likely find in your CBD oil. Linalool has a somewhat sweet and floral aroma. According to a 2003 study, linalool may have powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. A 2010 study the research indicated that linalool might assist in reducing spasms.

Of course, at, we have yet to make this claim. Still, some studies suggest that CBD may have similar anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory traits. CBD and the terpene linalool may work together, bringing about the whole plant effects or benefits of cannabis.


3. Myrcene

Myrcene has a dank, earthy, and herbal scent. Although there's not enough evidence to show exactly how terpene myrcene may impact your brain, it's thought to aid with sleep. It's a common ingredient in Mexican lemongrass-infused tea used as a sedative and muscle relaxant.

According to this study on mice, high doses of myrcene may have muscle relaxant properties. In the same study, myrcene may have assisted in boosting the quality and quantity of sleep in the subjects. According to a Brazilian study, myrcene may have assisted in reducing pain by enhancing the activity of the brain and spinal cord's opioid chemicals.

However, most of these studies have been conducted on animals, and it could be clearer that similar results will be witnessed in humans. For this reason, we can't claim that CBD oil rich in terpene myrcene will assist with these conditions. Other natural aromatic compounds, such as humulene, are said to have anti-inflammatory properties.


What is the Importance of Terpenes?

Based on their purported benefits, it's clear that natural aromatic compounds may be a welcome addition to CBD oil. One of the reasons why users prefer terpene-rich CBD oil products is that it may be possible to customize your experience and elicit more desirable effects.

For instance, terpenes such as caryophyllene are said to have energizing properties. CBD oil rich in this natural aromatic compound is desirable for those with an active lifestyle or who need help staying awake.

On the other hand, terpenes such as myrcene and linalool are thought to have relaxing and sleep-inducing properties. The terpenes in CBD are suitable for relaxation after a long day's work.


CBD Oil With Terpenes & The Entourage Effect

The Entourage effect is the main reason why CBD oil is effective. Entourage effects refer to when all the compounds in the cannabis plant work together (in perfect synergy) to enhance their overall effect.

What are the terpenes in CBD oil

The best CBD oils are typically your full-spectrum CBD oil because they have the fullest profile of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Broad Spectrum is sightly lessened as the THC content is removed. Isolate CBD products contain few natural aromatic compounds and flavonoids and no other cannabinoids.

Let's take a look at an example of terpenes and cannabinoids working together. The terpene beta-caryophyllene directly improves the benefits of cannabinoids such as CBD. The terpene limonene, on the other hand, is thought to enhance your body's absorption of other natural aromatic compounds.


Terpenes in Essential Oils

Is there a difference between essential oils and natural aromatic compounds? Essential oils and terpenes are often used interchangeably, but let's explain their difference! Essential oils are natural oils extracted from plant parts, including leaves, roots, seeds, and even flowers. They are used for many health reasons.

On the other hand, natural aromatic compounds are some of the many compounds present in essential oils. As explained earlier, other plants (apart from cannabis) also contain terpenes. Using CBD oil with these essential oils means bringing all these terpenes and other plants together with CBD for perfect plant synergy.


Where to Buy CBD Oil With Terpenes

Now that we understand the significance of terpenes in CBD oil, where can you get the best terpene-rich CBD oils? Why don't you start with our high-quality CBD Deep Sleep Essential Oil?

Going for only $37.98, this product has a unique terpene profile, ensuring you get all the hemp plant benefits. When combined with essential oils, the natural aromatic compounds in CBD may aid in enhancing the overall effects of the essential oils.

There're many ways to use this product:

  • Put drops onto a cloth and inhale
  • Add drops in a humidifier or diffuser.
  • Roll onto temples, the bottom of feet, the back of the neck, wrists, etc.
  • Add drops into a steam shower.
  • Put drops onto a cotton ball under your pillow, etc.; there's a way for everyone!

You can also check our CBD Stress Away Essential Oil, which has a rich terpene profile and uses premium hemp CBD. Also available is our CBD mood boost essential oil for improving mood.


Sum It Up!

Terpenes in CBD oil bring about what's popularly known as the entourage effect. These compounds (terpenes and CBD) work in perfect synergy. Adding CBD to essential oils may enhance the overall effect of both products.

Terpenes and CBD are thought to have health benefits to assist with discomfort, sleep, and mood. CBD oil brings these compounds together, making the products more beneficial.

Remember, we can only make medical claims regarding CBD and terpenes once the FDA has approved their use for the said medical conditions. Therefore, you should treat this article as a source of information, not medical advice. If you have any questions regarding how terpenes-rich CBD oils may assist you, feel free to contact us.

Zatural CBD Products with Infused Terpenes

CBD Essential oils

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For educational purposes only.

*FDA DISCLAIMER -These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.

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