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Neem Oil Fly Spray Recipe For Farm Animals

By Zeb Dye  •  2 comments  •   4 minute read

Neem oil fly spray for horses

Controlling flies on farms is crucial for maintaining animal health and well-being. Flies cause livestock irritation and discomfort, spread diseases, and can lead to economic losses for farmers.

Neem oil has emerged as a natural solution for fly control on farms because of its effectiveness and safety. This blog explores the benefits and practical usage of neem oil fly spray bottle for farm animals. We hope to provide valuable insights for farmers seeking eco-friendly and sustainable methods of fly management.


Understanding Neem Oil

Neem oil is derived from the seeds of the neem tree, native to the Indian subcontinent. People have used it for centuries in traditional medicine and agriculture because of its potent properties.

Neem oil contains compounds such as azadirachtin, nimbin, and nimbidin, which have insecticidal, antiseptic, and repellent properties. These compounds disrupt the growth and development of flies, repel them from animals, and inhibit their ability to lay eggs. Neem will kill irritating pests and beneficial insects.

Neem oil is available in insect-repellent concentrated solutions, ready-to-use sprays, and powders. These products can be applied directly to animals or their surroundings to effectively manage farm fly populations.


The Importance of Fly Control on Farms

Flies can cause various problems in farm animals, including irritation, stress, and reduced productivity. They can also transmit diseases and parasites, leading to health issues and decreased livestock quality.

Horse with fly problem

Fly infestations can cause decreased milk production, weight gain, and animal reproduction rates, resulting in economic loss. Additionally, fly-borne diseases can lead to veterinary expenses and treatment costs, impacting total profits.

Effective fly control methods are essential to maintaining animal welfare, preventing disease transmission, and optimizing farm productivity. However, using safe and environmentally friendly solutions is crucial to minimize risks to animals, humans, and the ecosystem.


Neem Oil Spray Recipe

Our recipe illustrates the best way to dilute neem oil for horses, cattle, and other animals. It is easy to follow and will help reduce the cost. Store-bought sprays are expensive and often contain harsh chemicals.


What You'll Need:

  • Spray Bottle
  • Funnel

Mixing Directions:

  1. Remove the nozzle from a spray bottle or a commercially bought one. Insert a funnel.
  2. Pour 1 cup of vinegar into the bottle using the funnel. You can use either apple cider or distilled vinegar, or for healing, use Aloe Vera Juice.
  3. Add 2 3/4 cups of water.
  4. Add the 1/4 cup of Neem Oil.
  5. Replace the nozzle and shake. It makes about 32 ounces of fly spray, the typical size of a bottle of commercial fly spray.
  6. The Neem Oil will separate with the mixed water, so this needs to be shaken before each use. The oil will not be as effective if improperly mixed and dispersed. You can use a small amount of liquid soap (like dawn dish soap) to help prevent the neem oil from separating.


How To Use Neem Fly Spray

Neem oil is highly effective in repelling flies, spider mites, and other pests from farm animals. The azadirachtin compounds in neem oil are repellent to pests, discouraging them from landing on animals and laying eggs. This eco-friendly solution is popular for farmers looking to control pest and fly infestations.

Proper application of neem oil fly spray is essential for optimal results. Begin by shaking the spray bottle thoroughly to ensure the neem oil is evenly distributed. When spraying with a neem fly spray bottle, stay about 12 inches away from the animal. It helps to spray a light mist over the coat, focusing on areas where flies tend to congregate, such as the head, neck, and legs.

Man Spraying horse- with neem spray

Avoid spraying directly into the animal's eyes, nose, or mouth. Reapply the effective fly spray as needed, especially after heavy sweating or rain.

The frequency of application and dosage recommendations for neem oil fly spray may vary depending on the severity of the fly infestation and the animals' individual needs. This fly spray will last 3-4 days if kept cool and out of direct sunlight. 

As a general guideline, neem oil pest control spray can be applied once daily or as needed to maintain fly control. Follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage guidelines and consult a veterinarian if unsure about the proper application or dosage.


Safety Considerations and Precautions

While neem oil is generally considered safe for farm animals, there are some potential risks. Overuse or improper application may cause some animals skin irritation or allergic reactions. Additionally, ingestion of large amounts can be toxic to animals. Therefore, following recommended guidelines when spraying and monitoring animals closely for adverse reactions.

Diluting the oil properly according to the recommended ratios is important to ensure the safe application of neem oil fly spray. Avoid applying neem oil directly to open wounds or sensitive areas of the skin. Use caution when spraying near animals' eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent irritation. Store neem oil fly spray out of reach of children and animals to prevent accidental ingestion.

Before using neem oil fly spray on farm animals, it's advisable to consult with a veterinarian, especially if the animals have pre-existing health conditions, are pregnant, or are nursing. A veterinarian can provide guidance on proper dosage, application methods, and potential interactions with other medications or treatments.


Why You Should Buy Zatural Neem Oil?

Zatural only provides all-natural products that are organically grown. Our Neem is cold-pressed and contains a pure profile. Every bottle contains Neem oil fresh from India and is hand-bottled in a GMP-compliant facility. Click here to learn more about why Zatural Neem oil is the best.

Zatural Neem Oil

For Educational Purposes Only

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Hi Nomi,

I haven’t directly used our neem oil fly spray recipe on a donkey, but I’m sure it would work just as well on a donkey as it does on a horse. When this recipe is applied to your donkey’s hide and fly’s land, they will become paralyzed by the Azadarachtin in the neem oil. Neem also causes suffocation, effectively eliminating biting or pesky bugs.

Let me know if that helped answer your questions?


has anyone there tried your neem oil fly spray recipe on donkeys? or know anyone who has?


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