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Lose It FAST the delicious healthy way

$999 $1995

Lose it fast book front cover

Lose It FAST the delicious healthy way

$999 $1995

DR. MaryAnn Stanger's book "Lose It Fast". Includes a dietary plan and exercises to use in coordination with Zatural's Appethyl product.

LOSE IT FAST is a hands-on book. With detailed pictures, and easy to use instructions, this book is a great way to follow a plan, a deliciously healthy way. Pennington Biomedical’s research shows a significant reduction in hunger and longing for food after just one dose.

Pennington trial (Rebello et al, 2015) “Appethyl has the ability to assist people in cutting their daily caloric intake. In 90 percent of adults, weight gain can be a consequence of overeating by just 100 calories a day. ” Candida Rebello, Pennington Biomedical’s researcher Dozens of clinical trials are available.

Notice: If you buy this book, you will also need to buy Appethyl to follow the dietary plan.

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