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6 Possible Reasons Why CBD Isn't Working for You?

By Jatauna Stanger  •  1 comment  •   7 minute read

6 Possible Reasons Why CBD isn't Working for You?

You've probably heard success stories from your co-workers, family, and friends about how wonderful CBD is. They may have even given you some to try or told you where to buy their favorite product.

If you are here now, that probably means you've tried it, and your CBD oil is not working for you. Don't give up on CBD quite yet, there may be a few reasons that inhibit the full effects of CBD from manifesting.

In this article, we will discuss six reasons why CBD might not be working for you. We will also share tips to help you have the best experience with CBD.


What Could CBD Oil Do For You?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant contains 80-100 different cannabinoids, with each cannabinoid having slightly different properties. 

People commonly use CBD because it provides calming, worry-reducing, discomfort-improving, and non-psychoactive effects. Unlike its sister cannabinoid, THC, which many people know as the cannabinoid that gets you high. CBD may Assist with the following:

  • Discomfort
  • Mood
  • Sleep

CBD is also non-addictive and may even help to decrease symptoms of addiction.* However, CBD may interact with certain types of medications. Make sure to talk to your doctor before taking CBD. This will help you determine if it will react badly with any medications you are using.

6 Reasons Why CBD Isn't Working For You?

Women wondering Why CBD isn't Working

1. Your CBD Product Isn't From a Reliable Source

You can buy CBD anywhere, at your local market, eBay, Etsy, Amazon, and other online businesses. As tempting as it is to grab the $5 CBD that you see at the gas station, don't waste your money on a poor-quality product that does work. People usually see fake CBD oils in the United States.

We've all made that mistake because we see a cheap, affordable price, and it's tempting. That's why it's important to know that not all CBD products created are equal.

Only the real, pure product can provide real results. But how do I find a high-quality CBD product? How do I discern therapeutic-grade CBD products from imitation CBD products?

The answer is simple. Only buy CBD from companies that sell USA-grown hemp and offer third-party lab testing.

Third-Party Lab Test. When you buy CBD oil online, check if the company offers third-party lab results. Look for a Certificate of Analysis as well.

These tests verify the content amount of CBD, terpenes, pesticides, microbials, and heavy metals. Third-party labs are unbiased and 100% truthful.

Quality CBD - Only purchase CBD made from USA-grown hemp. USA-grown hemp ensures compliance with stringent farming standards, including soil purity and limited pesticide use.

Satisfaction Guarantees and Risk-Free Return Policies. - A company offering a guarantee is more likely legitimate because they hold the risk if you don't like it.

No company can afford to give away the products they produce. If the company offers free returns or a satisfaction guarantee. In that case, they likely provide a high-quality product that you can trust.

Review Ratings - You can get a feel for a product's effectiveness by reading the reviews.

This alone does not prove the quality of a product, considering many products have misleading promotional reviews. But, if a product has positive, honest reviews, this is a good sign.

Reputable Company - Off-brands might save you money in grocery shopping, but go for a trusted CBD brand.

So many sellers out there that make claims that are not true about their products, and you can't tell by looking at them. A quality product comes from a quality brand. 

women happy with CBD2. You Need The Right Dose Of CBD

The body naturally produces cannabinoids similar to CBD and THC, making CBD popular. Individual cannabinoid production varies, making CBD an ideal product to increase those numbers.

For mild symptoms, take less CBD; for severe ones, take more. Timing matters too: take CBD 30-60 minutes before sleep or right as you wake up in the morning. This is for discomfort or mood issues will have an impact on the benefits CBD offers. The effects of CBD typically last 4-6 hours.

If on prescription meds, consult your doctor about potential interactions with CBD and over-the-counter drugs.

How Much CBD Should I Take?

When you take CBD for the first few times, you should play with different serving sizes to see how your body reacts to the CBD. We recommend experimenting with dosing in increments of 10-20mg. Taking the right amount of CBD will give your endocannabinoid system the fuel it needs to do its job.

If you tolerate CBD well, you can gradually take more daily. Some delivery methods might work better than others. As an example, CBD oils tend to be more effective than softgels and gummies.

If you are unsure how much to take, you can check out this blog post that explains how much CBD you should take each day.

You can also discuss this with your doctor to find the best dosage to treat your unique symptoms.


3. You Need To Build It Up In Your System

CBD softgels to help build CBD up in the system

Another reason some people don't think CBD is working for them is that they take it for a couple of days. They then don't notice any improvement, and then stop. Building up CBD in your system can take 1-3 weeks of regular daily doses.

If you do not notice anything after 1 week, try taking more CBD frequently throughout the day or at a higher dose long term. You can also work with your doctor to find the best CBD dosage for you.

CBD is fairly safe. A 2017 study (1) shows that humans tolerate up to 1,500 mg per day well.

Side effects and symptoms of too much CBD are:

  • Lethargy
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea.


4. You Need To Give It More Time

If you have a CBD brand you trust, you might expect relief after a few minutes. You may think it will work like magic when you drop CBD under your tongue.

This isn't true for most people, though. CBD takes time to build up. Some don't notice a difference for months.

CBD isn't as simple as taking ibuprofen and calling it a day. Finding the right dosage for each person is a matter of trial and error.

If you are not getting the results you wanted right away, you can keep trying. But it may be time to try a different brand after a while. If you take it regularly, you should notice an improvement in your symptoms within a couple of months.


5. You Need a Different Form of CBD

You may be disappointed with CBD if you have taken it for a while and haven't noticed any benefits. You may have a better outcome by taking it in a different form. CBD is available in many forms, such as oral and topical.

Oral and Edibles


For example, suppose you are taking CBD to help clear your skin or help decrease your joint pain. In that case, you may find applying it topically more effective than taking it orally.

Suppose you have been taking CBD Gummies to help with mood, but it doesn't seem effective. In that case, you may find that the CBD Drops taken sublingually (under the tongue) are more effective.

When taken sublingually, CBD drops immediately enter the bloodstream and go to work. You can attain faster results when taking CBD this way.

CBD Gummies may not be the most effective treatment for chronic pain since they typically come in lower strengths.


6. CBD May Not Be Right For You

CBD may be helping many people, but not everyone is the same, and it's okay if it just isn't a good fit for you.

Genetics differ, and preferences, too. If CBD isn't working for you after you have given it a fair try, maybe it's time to move on.

Some people genetically produce higher amounts of CBD within their bodies. These people do not experience as much relief from taking CBD as a supplement, which is perfectly normal and fine. CBD may not be right for you.


Sum It Up!

Why CBD isn't working for you is a common question. As we have discussed, there are many possible reasons why you may not notice anything after taking CBD.

  • Be sure your CBD product is from a trusted brand.
  • Make sure you take CBD often enough and with a high enough dose.
  • Be patient. CBD takes some time to build up in your system. For some individuals, it can take months.
  • Be sure you're taking CBD in an appropriate form for your condition.


Zatural Has The Right Product For You!

You can check out Zatural's Build Your Own CBD Oil Tinctures! These CBD oil tinctures allow you to personalize your CBD product for your specific needs. With CBD and other cannabinoids known to help with sleep, mood, and discomfort.

Zatural Build your own CBD oil tinctures


For educational purposes only.

*FDA DISCLAIMER -These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.


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Very interesting post. Keep it up

Shimon Darmon,

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